About Me

Mackenzie Sorensen was always fascinated by Alice Through the Looking Glass and patterns found in nature. As a left-handed child she constantly wrote in mirror writing, and her paintings require some deep reverse thinking.

She has passion for wild flowers, wild animals, moss and lichen and is encouraged by the renewed interest in them and the introduction of re-wilding aiding the symbiotic relationship that the earth needs. Her Nature Fantasia watercolour paintings take many long hours, and draw you in to the maze of her world.  When asked if her designs were available on other items, she began to experiment with mugs and plates and even fabric.

Mackenzie likes writing, and has had a regular column on a local newspaper, making jewellery and wall hangings from collected sea glass, sculpting with papier -mâché, and when not in her studio creating you will find her completing or compiling cryptic crosswords.